5 tips to help you keep your auto in tip-top health

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Cars can be expensive, with so many things to keep track of, it can be hard to remember what needs to be taken care of. You might be thinking live now, pay later, but missing or prolonging car maintenance usually just leads to even more expensive costs down the road, such as tire blowouts, engines overheating, and brake-related crashes. Nobody wants that, not even your trusted mechanics, and so we strive to make things easier for you. It doesn’t have to be hard, just follow the steps below to ensure your car is constantly in peak performance. Stay ahead of expensive repair costs with preventative maintenance.

1: Change your oil consistently. 

  • Change your oil every 4000 miles, if it is Synthetic, change it every 6000 miles. A lubricated engine lowers the engine’s heat, helping to run clean and avoid wear and tear. An overheating engine is the last thing you want!

2: Prevent Flats & Protect Against Them

  • Check your spare every month, make sure it’s inflated and in good condition. 

  • Check your tire pressure every week, ensure they are to factory specifications to help prevent blowouts, and increase your fuel economy. 

  • Check your tread every month, take a penny and place it head side down into the groove, if you can completely see Lincoln’s head, it’s time to get new tires.

  • Every 6 months, get your tires rotated, this helps ensure even tread wear and gives the vehicle its best traction and tire lifespan.

3: Use the 15,000 rule for Car Maintenance

  • Get a maintenance check every 15,000 miles. This will likely include replacing air filters, a tire rotation, and occasionally, alignment if necessary. This will also help you get any recall-related work done as soon as possible.

4: Use the 30,000 rule for fluids

  • Every 30,000 miles, you should change the other fluids, including antifreeze, transmission, and brake fluid, to ensure optimal functionality. Each of these fluids is crucial to your car’s ability to cool, shift gears, and brake, all of which are areas you should never skimp on. 

5: Change your Filters

  • Change your air filter every 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. This helps with engine airflow, and keeping the best fuel economy your car can have.

  • Change your fuel filter every 2 years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first. This will improve your emissions and your fuel economy, ensuring the correct amount of fuel and air makes it to your engine.


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